Why Teammates Matter in Missions
One of the areas of missions that gets little press but is of great importance is teammates. Good teammates are a great grace to church planting teams and are a living testimony to the unreached of what Christian fellowship looks like. Unfortunately, teammates are...
Our “Inefficient” God
One of the blessings of closing a semester at Radius is a committed two-hour block where students and staff get together and pray in detail for various graces that God has brought into our lives, and the future that is coming. This “CoVid Semester” was no exception....
Why Pre-field Missionary Training is Vital for Reaching Unreached Language Groups
This year’s Radius class is nearly three months into their nine months of training and what a joy it is to see them growing so well in what they are learning. The most common refrain our staff hears from students these days is, “I didn’t know what I didn’t...