Is There Such a Thing as Bad Missions?

Is There Such a Thing as Bad Missions?

When Nina and I lived among the Yembiyembi people it was always a bit of a surprise to see outsiders. The YYs were known for being a dominant hostile people group so even other lowland language groups rarely ventured into their territory. So, it was an unprecedented...
The Deconversion Stories That Go Unnoticed

The Deconversion Stories That Go Unnoticed

Recently there has been a spate of “deconversion” stories from high-profile individuals who have walked away from the Christian faith. The YouTube comedians Rhett and Link came out in February of 2020 with a series of videos about why they were walking away from...
Long-Term Incarnational Ministry

Long-Term Incarnational Ministry

The model of staying long-term to see one local church planted among one unreached language group is biblical and adorns the gospel in a way that is lasting. In this opening session at RMC21 Brooks Buser walks through the lives of Adoniram Judson and John Paton as...
Why Teammates Matter in Missions

Why Teammates Matter in Missions

One of the areas of missions that gets little press but is of great importance is teammates. Good teammates are a great grace to church planting teams and are a living testimony to the unreached of what Christian fellowship looks like. Unfortunately, teammates are...