Ordinary Heroes

Ordinary Heroes

When our son Beau was in high school he, and consequently us, were engulfed in the world of water polo. My wife and I frequently went to tournaments and were witness to some incredible endurance, strength, and competition. It was a wonderful sport that we are thankful...
Lessons from John G. Paton

Lessons from John G. Paton

If we think of missions and, more specifically, missions to unreached language groups, John Gibson Paton looms large.[1] Paton is a towering figure, primarily because of what the Lord allowed him to accomplish through unbelievable hostility and the level of suffering...
Old Princeton and Missions

Old Princeton and Missions

I am always intrigued when I read the writings of those from previous generations who served as missionaries, especially the pioneering sort. Where did their initial drive, their sustaining perseverance, get instilled in them? Without a doubt they were first and...