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Suffering And The Accomplishment Of The Great Commission
It is a sure thing that the Lord will use the suffering of His people to see The Great Commission accomplished. As God's people we must embrace His ways if we are going to participate.
A Careful Gospel Leads To A Careful Church
How should we think about the many reports, from missionaries, of thousands of churches being planted and hundreds of thousands of people responding to the gospel? Our brother Harshit helps us think biblically about how to evaluate these claims.
Who Are The Nations
Pastor John Piper exposits Matt 28:19 and gives an explanation for Who the Nations are that Jesus is referring to.
The Apostolic Gospel
Where did the Apostles learn the Gospel and how were they taught by Jesus to proclaim it? Pastor Chad Vegas walks us through the implication of their message and their methods.
Do Not Lose Heart
Pastor Mark Dever encourages us to continue to be faithful to the Gospel and The Great Commission by pointing out that God’s purposes to make himself known through the Church will not go unfulfilled. Ephesians 3:7-13.
Long-Term Incarnational Ministry
The model of staying long-term to see one local church planted among one unreached language group is biblical and adorns the gospel in a way that is lasting. In this opening session at RMC21 Brooks Buser walks through the lives of Adoniram Judson and John Paton as...
Mark Dever on Church Planting Movements
Mark Dever and Brooks Buser discuss missions and church planting movements.
Church Planting Movement Model vs the Proclamational Model
Over the last couple of decades there have been various methods that have taken over in the mission community. This debate between Chad Vegas (one of the founders and board members of Radius International) and Ted Esler (President of Missio Nexus), is to discover the biblical basis behind two of the methods used in missions today.
There Is An Eternal Cancer Killing the Nations
David Platt has it right as he explains that there is a difference between an unreached people and an un-evangelized people. [video width="1280" height="720"...
How Western Methods Have Affected Missions In India
Our brothers at 9Marks speak the truth about the state of modern missions and the methods being used. [video...