What Isn’t the Mission of the Church?
Looking through a Biblical framework at how we define “missions”. In an age where everything is missions, what isn’t missions and why are so many good things in that category? Listen on Sermon Audio Listen on Apple Podcast Search for: Recent Posts Who Do We Send? What...
Kevin DeYoung and Brooks Buser Discuss Missions Today
Kevin DeYoung and Brooks Buser discuss what missionary candidates should know and read before going to the field as well as some of the issues that are happening in missions today. Video Chapters 00:00 What Are Some Good Things That You See Happening in the Reformed...
Healthy Churches Not Disciples, As The Goal
Why should church planting be the primary focus of missions? In session 8, Mark Dever walks through the biblical support for the primacy of the church. Search for: Recent Posts What Is ‘Finishing Well’? Why Is It So Rare? The Value of Pre-Field Missionary...
The Competent Gospel Ambassador
All believers are called to be ambassadors for the Lord Jesus. But what makes someone a competent ambassador? Further still, what makes someone a competent cross-cultural gospel ambassador? Wayne Chen breaks down the skills and character necessary for such competence....