
The Apostle Paul… Still Our Model or Not?

The Apostle Paul… Still Our Model or Not?

Since William Carey went to India in 1793 most missionaries have sought to follow Paul’s examples of: Speaking with clarity, winsomeness, and intelligence. Teaching in large or small settings, to families or individuals… wherever an opening was found. Teaching,...
Why Getting Fluent Today Is Harder Than Ever

Why Getting Fluent Today Is Harder Than Ever

Undergirding any serious approach to sharing the gospel cross-culturally is the ability to think and communicate at a serious level of understanding in the language and culture of the person you are reaching.  Only recently has this begun to be questioned and,...
A Foreigner With a Foreign Message

A Foreigner With a Foreign Message

There are many topics that we teach on at Radius that get a lot of time. Intro to Bible Translation, Literacy, Teamwork, Marks of a N.T. Cross-cultural Church and a host of other things get serious time and application to the students. If I had to boil it down though,...
A Return to Historic Missions

A Return to Historic Missions

We spend the bulk of our time searching out, discerning, and strategizing new methods for completing the Great Commission. Could it be that a return to the historical methods is whats needed? Our annual Radius Day, when our campus is wide open, is over now.  For the...