
Four Fields: A Revised Version of DMM

Four Fields: A Revised Version of DMM

As more and more folks have discovered the biblically suspect underbelly of Disciple Making Movements, I have begun to frequently hear, “Oh, we don’t use pure DMM, we have made some adjustments to it.” Some omit Obedience Based Discipleship (OBD), some allow...
Lessons from the Life of Amy Carmichael              (Part II)

Lessons from the Life of Amy Carmichael (Part II)

Some years ago, Elisabeth Elliot made this striking comment about the impact of Amy Carmichael’s life on her own life: “She showed me the shape of godliness.” It is a very striking phrase, is it not? What was this “shape of godliness” that so impacted and influenced...
Our “Inefficient” God

Our “Inefficient” God

One of the blessings of closing a semester at Radius is a committed two-hour block where students and staff get together and pray in detail for various graces that God has brought into our lives, and the future that is coming. This “CoVid Semester” was no exception....
Missionary Sending Agencies: Some Pros and Cons

Missionary Sending Agencies: Some Pros and Cons

Let me state for the record that every time we at Radius International are asked, “When is Radius going to become its own sending agency?”, our answer is, “We’re not.” From the beginning, we had no intention of doing so because we are convinced there are enough...