African Missionary Candidates and William Chalmers Burns
This Radius Report doesn’t come from my normal desk in San Diego but from Lusaka Zambia. A group of us from Radius are visiting 5 seminaries/Bible schools across Africa in an effort to better understand the dynamics at work in churches and Christian institutions on...
Will Sending Agencies Be Able to Change?
It’s a very relevant question and one that may determine the viability and relevance for many sending agencies in the coming years. Some of the larger issues are… Sending agencies typically take 8-15% of a missionary’s salary. Historically this was in part due...
Responding to God
Responding to the Lord’s call: My journey in getting to Radius was quite unique and begins way back in 2012. That December, I went to the Urbana Missions Conference as a college student. It was there that the Lord grabbed my heart for missions among the unreached and...
Why Teammates Matter in Missions
One of the areas of missions that gets little press but is of great importance is teammates. Good teammates are a great grace to church planting teams and are a living testimony to the unreached of what Christian fellowship looks like. Unfortunately, teammates are...