
Catholicity, Creeds, and Converts

Catholicity, Creeds, and Converts

Ever since the mid-twentieth century, Christian missions work has been fighting to escape the specter of colonialism. Unfortunately, the fear of perpetuating such forms of cultural imperialism has caused some Western missionaries to abdicate their role of teaching the...
Lessons from John G. Paton

Lessons from John G. Paton

If we think of missions and, more specifically, missions to unreached language groups, John Gibson Paton looms large.[1] Paton is a towering figure, primarily because of what the Lord allowed him to accomplish through unbelievable hostility and the level of suffering...
Are you a Christ Follower First?

Are you a Christ Follower First?

One of the challenges that presents itself to many of our very capable students is… “Am I a Doctor, Engineer, Pilot, or a Christ follower first?” On one of my recent travels, I ran into a couple of young men who seemed to really love the Lord Jesus and are currently...
Old Princeton and Missions

Old Princeton and Missions

I am always intrigued when I read the writings of those from previous generations who served as missionaries, especially the pioneering sort. Where did their initial drive, their sustaining perseverance, get instilled in them? Without a doubt they were first and...