Great Commission Challenges and Progress in the Middle East
What words come to your mind when you think of the Middle East? If I had to guess, I think most westerners would probably throw out topics like conflict or Islam or hostility to the West. Sadly, those three topics most certainly do accurately describe certain aspects...
Lessons From the Life Of Paul
Each year we walk through the books of Acts and get closely acquainted with the apostolic methods of doing church planting work. We learn much from Peter, John, Barnabas, Philip, and Stephen, but in regards to doing pioneer church planting work the Apostle Paul...
Lessons from the Mount of God for the Missionary Context
How often do you turn to the book of Exodus for biblical insight into missionary methodologies? Not often, I bet. But Exodus 24 is sneaky good, offering unique insights into the missionary task that rewards careful study. Let me show you what I mean. Exodus 24 is one...
Were We Meant to Thrive?
Like so many terms, it depends on how you describe ‘thrive.’ The other day I took a break from teaching the book of Acts to our Radius students. I was curious if the students had any topics that came to their minds about what I should write about for this edition of...