A Foreigner With a Foreign Message
There are many topics that we teach on at Radius that get a lot of time. Intro to Bible Translation, Literacy, Teamwork, Marks of a N.T. Cross-cultural Church and a host of other things get serious time and application to the students. If I had to boil it down though,...
Contextualization…Does it mean what you think it means?
Talk with many prospective missionaries about their plans today and eventually, the idea of contextualization will surface. Pinning down exactly what they mean by contextualization, however, often proves elusive. Usually, the answer involves ministry strategies...
The Symbiotic Relationship Between Sending Churches and Sending Agencies
The word “symbiosis” literally means, “living together.” In nature we refer to symbiotic relationships as those relationships that mutually benefit each other. For example, there is a kind of tree called the Bullhorn Acacia tree that often serves as the home of a...
Eternal Life is Costly by Design
I love getting to watch Michigan play football AND knock out a few emails at the same time. Sitting by the beach enjoying the ocean and sunshine… while reading a great book at the same time; yep that’s another favorite of mine! We all enjoy the pleasure and...