A Cold Shower From India
Throughout their 10 months of training, Radius students get to hear firsthand from a steady stream of visiting practitioners, including representatives from sending agencies and workers who serve in a variety of countries. This access to a breadth of input and...
Technology Comfort and The Ongoing Role of Missionaries
This past week I had the privilege of being back among the Yembiyembi people in Papua New Guinea, where my wife and I served for thirteen years. It was a bit of a shock to return to the 107-degree temperatures (at 90% humidity), the rats nibbling on our...
Jesus Is One of My Favorite Gods
Paul Borthwick wrote[1]of being registered for a conference in New Delhi, India by a clerk who had her desk covered in pictures of Jesus. Upon asking her if she was a follower of Jesus, the title of this letter was her reply. Of course, to someone who understands...
Three Hills Worth Dying On
Last month I was speaking at a missions conference in California and the pastoral staff were explaining some difficulties they were having within the missions department. Recently they had become convinced that their overseas church planters (missionaries) needed to...