
Why Do Students Come to Radius?

Why Do Students Come to Radius?

Motives are a tricky topic. I remember one of my darkest times in Papua New Guinea. We were approaching the end of seven months of teaching our way from Creation to Christ. Things were going well, I was sure that many Iteri folks were understanding the message they...
Raising Normal Missionary Kids

Raising Normal Missionary Kids

One of the biggest concerns in historic missions is for the children of missionaries, or “missionary kids”. Many books have been written on MKs and their strengths and weaknesses, and how to wisely parent them in such complex environments. One of the most common fears...
Why I Embraced DMM

Why I Embraced DMM

*This article was originally written for Radius International in 2016. Since attending the Disciple Making Movement (DMM) Level 1 two years ago – which I thoroughly enjoyed – I have been wrestling with how to apply DMM to our context and our work. I want...
The White Noise of Missions

The White Noise of Missions

I will confess I love walking around the malls here in San Diego during the Christmas season.  After years of sweat-soaked Dec. 25th mornings trying to ‘get the feel’ of the Christmases I’d known before, it’s just enjoyable to walk around, smell cinnamon and such, and...
Missions Through Flawed People

Missions Through Flawed People

One important part of our training here is poring over the biographies of missionaries of old and biblical characters that God has used to advance His purposes. In these accounts, it seems the Father is not shy about the flaws of His servants. This week, as we were...
The Accumulation of Small Sufferings

The Accumulation of Small Sufferings

When I was in my third year of church plant consulting overseas, I visited a missionary team on a remote island 80 miles offshore to help with their church planting kickoff. On our way to the island, the seas picked up and I found myself in one of the scariest...