
Amy Carmichael (1867-1951): Missionary to India-PART I

Amy Carmichael (1867-1951): Missionary to India-PART I

Early on in her time in India, Amy received a letter from a lady in England who was seriously considering giving herself to missionary work. In her letter she asked Amy what missionary work was like. Amy replied, “Missionary life is simply a chance to die.” When I...
What Baseball Has in Common With Church Planting

What Baseball Has in Common With Church Planting

Living in San Diego while the Padres are enjoying a banner year (a rarity indeed!) has been great. It brings back memories of playing baseball and watching Willie Mays as a boy. But what in the world does baseball have in common with church planting? There is...
Is Everyone A Missionary?

Is Everyone A Missionary?

Right about now I’m pretty weary with the line of thought that “these are challenging days.” Enough. I find myself coming back to the basics, less concerned about Covid-19, getting back to reading things that refresh my heart—God’s Word and books I’ve only recently...
How Should Christians View Safety?

How Should Christians View Safety?

As a fan of both the NFL and the NBA, it has been with great expectation that I have been watching and waiting as they plan to start (and restart) their season in this Covid-19 world. (Lakers in 6 to win it all, Tom Brady out by midseason). It is interesting though to...