Why Pre-field Missionary Training is Vital for Reaching Unreached Language Groups
This year’s Radius class is nearly three months into their nine months of training and what a joy it is to see them growing so well in what they are learning. The most common refrain our staff hears from students these days is, “I didn’t know what I didn’t...
Pornography Use and Its Inverse Relation to the Great Commission
I just finished reading (“audiobooking”) 1984 by George Orwell. Of course I was struck by the “Why didn’t I appreciate this more in high school?” feeling. But that happens a lot these days. One of the many themes that Orwell brilliantly constructs is how...
What Baseball Has in Common With Church Planting
Living in San Diego while the Padres are enjoying a banner year (a rarity indeed!) has been great. It brings back memories of playing baseball and watching Willie Mays as a boy. But what in the world does baseball have in common with church planting? There is...
Is Everyone A Missionary?
Right about now I’m pretty weary with the line of thought that “these are challenging days.” Enough. I find myself coming back to the basics, less concerned about Covid-19, getting back to reading things that refresh my heart—God’s Word and books I’ve only recently...