The Advantages of Donating Appreciated Stocks
Charitable Stock Gifting: An often-overlooked tax efficiency. I Peter 4:10 “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” The Lord has been exceedingly gracious and generous in providing for Radius over the last...
Why I Embraced DMM
*This article was originally written for Radius International in 2016. Since attending the Disciple Making Movement (DMM) Level 1 two years ago – which I thoroughly enjoyed – I have been wrestling with how to apply DMM to our context and our work. I want...
A Commentary on L.D. Waterman’s Contributions to the DMM Debate
This contribution is by a student of Radius International. His name has been withheld due to the sensitive nature of his work and location. Responding to: A Straw Man Argument to Prove What God Shouldn’t Do: A Critique of Chad Vegas’ “A Brief Guide to DMM” by L.D....
A Commentary on Ken Guenther’s Contribution to the DMM Debate.
The following is a contribution from one of our students. His name has been withheld due to the sensitive nature of his future work. Responding to: Response to Radius International’s Criticism of Disciple Making Movements (DMM) by Ken Guenther, SEND International ...