Why Church Planting Over Mercy Ministries?
In the Christian world, there is a wide range of ideas regarding the mission of the church. While some argue that the mission of the church is to fight injustice, feed the poor, and care for orphans, others say that the mission of the church is to make disciples by planting churches. Here are three reasons why I think scripture teaches that church planting is of greater importance than mercy ministries.
Do Those Who Never Hear of Christ Actually Go to Hell?
The words of Christ himself make this abundantly clear in John. 14:6, “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” Jesus not only excludes access to the Father, the one and only God of the Universe, but he also excludes the idea that outside of knowing Christ there is access into the presence of the Father. ONLY through Him. Jesus is the exclusive way to access the God of the Universe.
Persecution and Kingdom Expansion
Missionaries may face no greater obstacle to the spread of the gospel than persecution. The vast majority of today’s unreached peoples live under persecution’s shadow. How should missionaries respond to suffering?