Great Commission Challenges and Progress in the Middle East
What is God doing in the Middle East today? I hope to share a few personal reflections on this question in this article as well as introduce you to some of the most relevant topics for missionaries and their sending churches as they consider serving in the Middle East.
Lessons From the Life Of Paul
Each year we walk through the books of Acts and get closely acquainted with the apostolic methods of doing church planting work. We learn much from Peter, John, Barnabas, Philip, and Stephen, but in regards to doing pioneer church planting work the Apostle Paul stands head and shoulders as the example to these Radius students.
Lessons from the Mount of God for the Missionary Context
Exodus 24 is one of the most important chapters in the Old Testament. It tells the story of the climactic conclusion of the covenant ceremony between God and Israel at the foot of Mt. Sinai. There are a lot of moving pieces in Exodus 24, but I want to draw your attention to three details in particular that can offer old insight into new missionary methods for today.