A Return to Historic Missions
We spend the bulk of our time searching out, discerning, and strategizing new methods for completing the Great Commission. Could it be that a return to the historical methods is whats needed? Our annual Radius Day, when our campus is wide open, is over now. For the...
Contextualization…Does it mean what you think it means?
Talk with many prospective missionaries about their plans today and eventually, the idea of contextualization will surface. Pinning down exactly what they mean by contextualization, however, often proves elusive. Let’s take a look at what contextualization is, and then we’ll be able to see why language and culture learning play such an important role in the process.
Does The New Testament Actually Teach The ‘Man of Peace’ Method?
On a recent trip, I heard an audible gasp as I made the statement, “In the New Testament we don’t see the Lord’s apostles, evangelists, prophets, pastors and teachers using a ‘Man of Peace’ as a go-between for their ministry”. In some missions circles today this idea...