The Accumulation of Small Sufferings
Nearly everyone does well when their bellies are full, they’re well rested, unafraid, and in a comfortable environment. The measure of a person is when one, or all, of these things is taken away. How do they respond, where do they go, can they be counted on?
Money and Missions
Much has been written in the past few years on the negative effect of North American funding of overseas Christian endeavors. I personally observed the slow unraveling of a Papua New Guinea (PNG) national training program due to North American monies channeling...
Where Are The Men?
A common missions statement is, “Two-thirds of missionaries are married couples, the other third are single women, the rest are single men.” Where are the single men that stand up and wish to give their lives to see God’s glory spread to the last “nations”? It is lamentable in our time to see so few who are capable of and serious for the cause of cross-cultural missions.