The White Noise of Missions
I love walking around the malls during the Christmas season. The songs that play over speakers blare out the gospel, “Hark, the herald angels sing, glory to the newborn King!” “Joy to the world, the Lord has come!” and so many others. The songs are merely nice background music for many as they put their Visa cards down to buy another sweater. It’s called ‘white noise’.
In a very similar way many Christians ‘hear’ the Great Commission of our Lord delivered in Matt. 28:18-20. In many respects, His mandate has become white noise to His church.
Is Language Important To God?
The gospel messenger should be able to speak at a high level on subjects like imputed sin, justification by faith alone, substitutionary atonement, and the triune God. This requires language and cultural fluency and is important to God. But is this just a “Radius thing” or do we see the primacy of language in Scripture as well? Let me lay out four significant times we see language as central to the plans of our God, and displaying his desire to communicate clearly.
Missions Through Flawed People
We are all in process to become like Christ. Part of that process is seeing the Lord use our flawed humanity to accomplish His purposes.