The Value of Pre-Field Missionary Training–A Green Beret’s Perspective
Radius is not training any type of secret super-soldier or elite missionary that is going out to do something that no one else can do. Rather we are training men and women to rely on the Lord to produce fruit for His glory through the faithful living, ministry, and gospel proclamation of his servants. (1 Cor 2:1-5)
My simple aim in this article is to share with you a few of the benefits of the Radius training program through the eyes of a Green Beret. Our country doesn’t send untrained men and women to the most dangerous parts of the world to work in isolation and behind enemy lines; they don’t even send decently trained soldiers to do that. They only send their best and most thoroughly trained. Shouldn’t we do the same? The stakes are much higher; after all, they are eternal.
How Paul Measured the Missionary Task
In the 15th chapter of the book of Romans, we have Paul laying out his rationale for why he must press on to new places that have yet to hear the gospel. The missionary is then to go to places that have no foundation and preach the gospel. The ambition of missionaries is to preach where Christ has not been known, to build that foundation. Three implications that come out of those two observations are as follows.
The Mandate to Train and Send Missionaries Well: A Lead Pastor’s Perspective
If the truth is that missions, the proclamation of the gospel to the nations, is a high priority on the list for our God and Savior, then we must now ask the question that I faced: How do I make this a priority in our church and not a side project?