Separation and Loneliness…Are We Ready for This?
The campus is quiet now. All the Radius students have gone back to their home areas for Christmas break after a busy last week of studies, class presentations, a Christmas party for staff and students, a visit by Francis and Lisa Chan, parties all over Tijuana that...
Six Major Reasons the Great Commission Still Goes Unaccomplished
Following a recent missions conference, my wife and I were comparing notes after we had spoken on ‘the state of missions today’ in a wonderfully missions minded local church. The amount of times we heard “How are we expected to know these things? Where do you find...
Eternal Life is Costly by Design
I love getting to watch Michigan play football AND knock out a few emails at the same time. Sitting by the beach enjoying the ocean and sunshine… while reading a great book at the same time; yep that’s another favorite of mine! We all enjoy the pleasure and...