Money and Missions
Much has been written in the past few years on the negative effect of North American funding of overseas Christian endeavors. I personally observed the slow unraveling of a Papua New Guinea (PNG) national training program due to North American monies channeling...
Jesus Is One of My Favorite Gods
Paul Borthwick wrote[1]of being registered for a conference in New Delhi, India by a clerk who had her desk covered in pictures of Jesus. Upon asking her if she was a follower of Jesus, the title of this letter was her reply. Of course, to someone who understands...
Some Wrong Assumptions in the Missions World
While on a recent trip (Baton Rouge, Orlando, Salt Lake City, Minneapolis), I was talking to an intelligent young lady who made the statement “I believe God can use His Word alone to bring men to Himself.” I told her that I agreed with her completely. God COULD do...