Technology Comfort and The Ongoing Role of Missionaries
This past week I had the privilege of being back among the Yembiyembi people in Papua New Guinea, where my wife and I served for thirteen years. It was a bit of a shock to return to the 107-degree temperatures (at 90% humidity), the rats nibbling on our...
Three Hills Worth Dying On
Last month I was speaking at a missions conference in California and the pastoral staff were explaining some difficulties they were having within the missions department. Recently they had become convinced that their overseas church planters (missionaries) needed to...
Learning Two Languages: One of the Costs of Finishing the Great Commission
If you have been tracking with the Radius Reports you know that recently a group of us from the staff and board of Radius International (RI) were over in Asia meeting with the board and staff of Radius Asia (RA). The launch date of September 9th 2019 has been set,...