Urgency Not Hastiness

Urgency to send gospel ministers to the unreached and hastiness in sending out the unequipped are too often at cross-purposes with one another. How are we to biblically discern a candidate’s readiness while upholding a sense of gospel urgency? Listen on Sermon...

Missions and the Local Church

Why a missions committee? How does a local church send well? Member care issues. Missions policies and why? ineffective missionaries… what to do? What to know about sending agencies and how to interact with them. These and many other topics will be addressed....

5 Things Women In Missions Need To Know

In this breakout, Nina Buser will address five things that women who desire to participate in long-term missions should consider before going. These practical recommendations are taken from her own experiences while on the field. Listen on Sermon Audio Listen on Apple...

Scottish Presbyterian Missions, Past & Present

In 19th century Scotland, the Lord raised up a group of remarkable men who had robust theological commitments and a zeal to see Christ proclaimed among the nations at any cost. We need men and women like that today and this session aims to apply their example to our...

Amy Carmichael

Amy Carmichael’s impact on the outcast women and orphans of India has turned into a legacy that has effected generations of Christians and missionaries that would follow her example to live a life of service for the Lord to see the Gospel reach those in need....