Radius International is committed to assisting the evangelical church and missions community by providing pre-field missions training that will equip cross-cultural workers to establish healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches among unreached language groups.

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We’d be thrilled to have you on board. Rest Assured, RADIUS training will prepare you for pioneer church-planting to unreached language groups.

RADIUS Resources

Catholicity, Creeds, and Converts

Catholicity, Creeds, and Converts

The church throughout time and across different contexts has wrestled with the same biblical texts and theological questions as each new generation of Bible readers will encounter. Thus, the catholicity represented by creedal confession is a gift to those who are for the first time coming into contact with the biblical testimony.

5 Things Women In Missions Need To Know

In this breakout, Nina Buser will address five things that women who desire to participate in long-term missions should consider before going. These practical recommendations are taken from her own experiences while on the field.

Language and Culture are Inseparable

You cannot truly know one without the other. Miss these and the gospel you share may not be the gospel at all. To share the life-giving message of hope, we teach our students how to acquire the language and culture together so that when they share this message of life, it is understandable at an adult level.

Language and Culture are Inseparable

You cannot truly know one, without the other. Miss these and the gospel you share may not be the gospel at all. To share the life-giving message of hope, we teach our students how to acquire the language and culture together so that when they share this message of life, it is understandable at an adult level.