Radius International is committed to assisting the evangelical church and missions community by providing pre-field missions training that will equip cross-cultural workers to establish healthy, indigenous, reproducing churches among unreached language groups.

Think RADIUS might be a good fit for you?

We’d be thrilled to have you on board. Rest Assured, RADIUS training will prepare you for pioneer church-planting to unreached language groups.

RADIUS Resources

Categories in Missions that Alleviate Ambiguity

Categories in Missions that Alleviate Ambiguity

There is a gray mushiness that has captured the missions discussion and missions policies that at times feels impenetrable. Let me propose four categories of missions that are more measured and precise. These categories would encompass most good missions today, keep the church at the center, and good, objective, Biblical metrics at the core.

Urgency Not Hastiness

Urgency to send gospel ministers to the unreached and hastiness in sending out the unequipped are too often at cross-purposes with one another. How are we to biblically discern a candidate’s readiness while upholding a sense of gospel urgency?

Language and Culture are Inseparable

You cannot truly know one without the other. Miss these and the gospel you share may not be the gospel at all. To share the life-giving message of hope, we teach our students how to acquire the language and culture together so that when they share this message of life, it is understandable at an adult level.

Language and Culture are Inseparable

You cannot truly know one, without the other. Miss these and the gospel you share may not be the gospel at all. To share the life-giving message of hope, we teach our students how to acquire the language and culture together so that when they share this message of life, it is understandable at an adult level.